Guest Speaker | The Confident Woman Event

In August 2021, as Founder & Director of Girls in Work, we were invited to speak at The Confident Woman Event, hosted by You at Yours in London about confidence in the workplace.

We delivered a speech on how to be and improve confidence as a woman, gave actionable tips and advice and empowered the women in the audience to show up as their most confident selves.

We then took further questions from the audience.

Let’s work together

Do you need a speaker or panelist for an upcoming event and think we’d be a great fit?

After a near-12 year career in the corporate world, 9 years of side-hustling 3 career changes and 2 businesses, I am an engaging speaker who can bring expert-insights and real-world anecdotes to inspire and motivate an audience (in-person, virtually or via podcasts) with both passion and humour.

I am particularly passionate speaking about business strategy, career changing, and empowering and inspiring others to realise that they deserve a job, business or career they love.

Send me an email via the button below and I’d love to hear more about how we could work together.

  • βœ“ Business strategy

    βœ“ Using manifestation and visualisation in your career and business

    βœ“ Career Changing

    βœ“ Career Transformation

    βœ“ Career Strategy

    βœ“ Navigating your career as a woman

    βœ“ Networking and self-promotion

    βœ“ Personal development


Spark Stage @ TwentiesFest | Liverpool


Women in Business Power Hour Keynote Chair | CEO Summit