Guest Panelist | TwentiesFest

On Sunday 1st October 2023, I was invited to speak on the Spark Stage at Twenties Fest, a brand new festival in Liverpool founded by the Talk Twenties Team, aimed at educating all twenty-something’s on the things we never got taught in school.

I sat on a brilliant panel called β€œHelp I Hate My Job! How to turn your passion into a career”, hosted by Henry Nelson-Case of @ThatCorporateLawyer, bringing all of my insights from my three career changes and subsequent business to the audience, with an additional Q&A session from the audience at the end.

Kind Words

β€œLoved hearing Sophie speak about career changing. She brought both her own experiences and actionable tips that were really engaging and motivating!”

β€œSophie was such a brilliant panelist! She was professional, but it’s also clear she doesn’t take herself too seriously which I think is really great”

Let’s work together

Do you need a speaker or panelist for an upcoming event and think we’d be a great fit?

After a near-12 year career in the corporate world, 9 years of side-hustling 3 career changes and 2 businesses, I am an engaging speaker who can bring expert-insights and real-world anecdotes to inspire and motivate an audience (in-person, virtually or via podcasts) with both passion and humour.

I am particularly passionate speaking about business strategy, career changing, and empowering and inspiring others to realise that they deserve a job, business or career they love.

Send me an email via the button below and I’d love to hear more about how we could work together.

  • βœ“ Business strategy

    βœ“ Using manifestation and visualisation in your career and business

    βœ“ Career Changing

    βœ“ Career Transformation

    βœ“ Career Strategy

    βœ“ Navigating your career as a woman

    βœ“ Networking and self-promotion

    βœ“ Personal development


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