Women in Business Power Hour Keynote Chair

In the midst of what felt like Lockdown #75, in May 2021 I was invited to be the Keynote Chair of the Women in Business Power Hour of the CEO Summit.

Not only did I chair the panel, made up of incredible women and business owners including Camilla Ainsworth of The Apprentice, but I assisted in sourcing guests, research and wrote the questions for the hour-long panel.


Feedback from the Organiser

It was a great pleasure working with Sophie at the CEO Summit from Expert Webinars. Sophie chaired the keynote panel discussion “Women in Business Power Hour” and did a phenomenal job, which was commented on by a number of delegates in attendance.

It was obvious Sophie put a lot of time, effort and energy into preparing for the session which meant the discussion felt natural for listeners. Sophie’s knowledge of the subject was second-to-none, but as a moderator she also did a wonderful job of getting the best out of the panel and allowing the conversation to flow.

Expert Webinars would be delighted to work with Sophie at future events!

Let’s work together

Do you need a speaker or panelist for an upcoming event and think we’d be a great fit?

After a near-12 year career in the corporate world, 9 years of side-hustling, 3 career changes and 2 businesses, I am an engaging speaker who can bring expert-insights and real-world anecdotes to inspire and motivate an audience (in-person, virtually or via podcasts) with both passion and humour.


The Confident Woman Event | London


Talk Twenties Podcast