The Talk Twenties Podcast

In the summer of 2021, I was a guest on the Talk Twenties Podcast talking all around gender (in)equality in the workplace.

You can listen or watch the full episode here, or just search β€œSophie Princeton Talk Twenties” wherever you get your podcasts. πŸŽ™

Let’s work together

Do you need a speaker or panelist for an upcoming event and think we’d be a great fit?

After a near-12 year career in the corporate world, 9 years of side-hustling 3 career changes and 2 businesses, I am an engaging speaker who can bring expert-insights and real-world anecdotes to inspire and motivate an audience (in-person, virtually or via podcasts) with both passion and humour.

I am particularly passionate speaking about business strategy, career changing, and empowering and inspiring others to realise that they deserve a job, business or career they love.

Send me an email via the button below and I’d love to hear more about how we could work together.

  • βœ“ Business strategy

    βœ“ Using manifestation and visualisation in your career and business

    βœ“ Career Changing

    βœ“ Career Transformation

    βœ“ Career Strategy

    βœ“ Navigating your career as a woman

    βœ“ Networking and self-promotion

    βœ“ Personal development


Women in Business Power Hour Keynote Chair | CEO Summit


International Women's Day Celebration | Virtual Speaker & Host