Align your brand.
Elevate your visuals.
Bloom your business.

Designed to elevate small businesses, each of my services are tailored to reflect your unique brand and business goals, ensuring an impactful, powerful and professional online presence.


Bespoke Squarespace Website Design

Elevate your online presence with a bespoke website tailored to you.

Transform your vision into a stunning, user-friendly website that captures your brand’s essence and engages your audience. My custom website designs are always tailored to reflect your unique identity and meet your specific business needs.

  • Custom Designs

  • Responsive Layouts

  • User-Centric Approach

  • Aesthetic x strategic


Brand Identity Design

Minimalist, timeless, and elegant brand identities for ambitious small business owners.

Create a lasting impression with a strong, cohesive brand identity. I specialise in crafting elegant and minimalist designs that convey your brand’s message clearly and effectively.

  • Primary + secondary logos

  • Social marks

  • Curated colour palette

  • Typography

  • Brand Guidelines


Brand + Marketing Strategy

Elevate your business with actionable and intentional brand + marketing strategy.

Develop a strategic plan that aligns with your business goals and drives growth. My brand and marketing strategies are tailored to help you connect with your target audience and stand out in a crowded market.

  • Market Research

  • Brand Positioning

  • Marketing Campaigns

  • Content Strategy


Squarespace & Canva Templates

Beautiful, elegant and easy-to use templates to enhance your digital presence in no time.

Create a stunning and functional website quickly with our customisable Squarespace templates, or enhance your visual content with our versatile Canva templates perfect for social media, presentations, marketing materials, and more.

Designed for aesthetics and usability, these templates ensure your site and socials look great and performs well on all devices.

  • Professionally Designed

  • Easy Customisation

  • Time-Saving

  • Affordable


Professional Website Audits

Maximise your website’s impact with an expert website audit.

Identify and address the issues holding your website back. My comprehensive audits cover technical performance, SEO, user experience, content quality, user interface, providing actionable insights to enhance your site’s performance and user engagement.

  • Technical performance

  • User experience

  • User interface

  • Content


The Design Process

  • In the Discovery phase, we delve deep into understanding your business, goals, and target audience.

    Through comprehensive research and consultation, we gather insights that will shape a strategic and impactful design.

    This foundational step ensures that every aspect of your project aligns with your brand vision and objectives.

  • During the Design phase, we transform insights from the Discovery phase into visually stunning and strategically sound designs.

    We focus on creating feminine, luxurious, and bold aesthetics that reflect your brand’s unique personality.

    Our designs are not only beautiful but also intuitive, enhancing user experience and engagement.

  • The Revise phase is all about refinement and collaboration.

    We present the initial design concepts and work closely with you to make any necessary adjustments, ensuring the final design perfectly meets your expectations.

    Your feedback is integral to this process, resulting in a polished and effective end product.

  • In the Launch/Publish phase, we bring your project to life.

    We meticulously test and finalize every detail to ensure a smooth launch.

    Once everything is perfect, we publish your new website or hand over your digital content, ready to captivate your audience and drive your business forward.

Let’s create something beautiful together.

Align & Bloom is dedicated to empowering small businesses with websites and digital assets that are not only visually stunning but also strategically powerful.

Ready to elevate your online presence? Enquire now to start your journey towards a luxurious, bold, and business-savvy digital presence.