My Personal Blog

Hi! I’m Soph, the founder of Align & Bloom and retired fashion + lifestyle blogger, who’s not quite willing to give up writing β€œjust because” just yet. So, this is my space for my personal ramblings, thoughts & musings. Hope you enjoy.

Sophie Princeton Sophie Princeton

The 1 thing nobody prepared me for in self-employment

There were many things I knew about self-employment. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy and I knew a β€œstable income” would be a concept of the past. But here’s the one thing I wish someone would’ve prepared be for!

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Sophie Princeton Sophie Princeton

30 Things That Are More Important Than How My Body Looks

T/W - food, body image etc πŸ’›

After years of not treating my body very well, I’m currently on a healing journey to treat my body better. And so, as part of this, I thought I’d journal of a few things that are much more important than what my body looks like.

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Personal Sophie Princeton Personal Sophie Princeton


Some reflections on getting older as I enter the last year of my twenties.

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Fashion Sophie Princeton Fashion Sophie Princeton

What is Fashion?

What is fashion? How do we define fashion? Is it simply the clothes we wear or is it more than that? In this post, I explore just how much more there is and how it’s part of all of our lives and history.

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Career, Personal Sophie Princeton Career, Personal Sophie Princeton

It’s OK To Quit

A personal anecdote of why quitting something was one of the best things I did and, hopefully, a post to give you permission to quit whatever it is that isn’t bringing you joy.

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