The Most Important Thing To Know BEFORE Getting A Website

Did you know that the design process doesn’t start with design? It begins with discovery! Well, today I wanted to share a little more about this “discovery” part of the journey entails.


Website design isn't just about creating something visually appealing or aesthetically beautiful, it’s about crafting user journeys that resonate with my clients vision and, most importantly, what their audience need!


Remember, your website is for your clients. Whether you want them to find you, book with you, or buy from you, the goal for both your business and your website is to solve their problems.


So, what's the key to a successful website? Knowing your clients. 


And I don't just mean “25-40 year old women”.


I mean really knowing them – their jobs, lifestyles, values, and even their commuting habits. 


This deep understanding shapes the design process.



Website design is about crafting user journeys that allow your clients to achieve their goals. 


 Which is why I invest time in talking to my clients before each design project, getting to know their businesses, their clients, their client onboarding processes and more, before I even load up a blank design screen.


  • What jobs do they have?

  • Do they work from home or in an office?

  • Are they likely to browse your site on their phone?

  • Where do they live – city or rural?

  • What do they do to relax?

  • What brands do they love?

  • What are their life goals and values?

  • How should they feel before, during, and after interacting with your business?


Don’t worry if you don’t have all the answers yet! When you book one of my design services, you get a FREE 60-minute Clarity Call to work through these questions together. ✨


Ready to create a website that truly connects with your audience?


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